"Gloriously and unpretentiously daft"
- Rolling Stone
Hi, this is my bio. My name is Eric Rushton and I was born in Bury, Greater Manchester. When I was 2, I moved to Stone in Staffordshire and after a childhood that shaped my current personality, I secured all A*s in my GCSEs.
As an adult, I have dabbled in stand-up comedy and now play in the pro-leagues. I am friends with Sam Campbell and Fern Brady and have contacted both on WhatsApp and seen them in person. I’m also friends with the TikTok star Finlay Christie, who is set to appear in an upcoming Dominoes advert.
Like everyone else, I have had my successes and I’ve had my failures. In 2020, I won the Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year Award which is more impressive than it sounds. Jason Manford and Johnny Vegas won that back in the day.
In 2023, I won an even bigger award: the Channel 4 Sean Lock Award. They gave me a bunch of money and a bunch of prestige for that and I have a lot of anxiety that I didn’t capitalise on that success.
I work really hard and hope to have a long and happy career in the arts. I wish to start a family one day but not quite yet.